Visit one of the warmest places in Slovakia – a breath taking Devinska Kobyla mountain, known by its’ unique thermophilic plant and animal societies. This area is a mosaic of steppe, forest steppe, thermophilic forests and meadows and old limestone quarries and sandstone cliffs in proximity of Morava river bank dating back to Tertiary period. Steppe areas and abandoned quarries are home to many endemic plant and animal species. One may see beautiful orchid meadows, rare insect species, almost all of Slovakia’s snakes and lizards, thousands of butterflies and many other colourful flowering plants. This area houses astonishing 1505 species of plants, which is almost half of plant species known from Slovakia. 92 of these plants are protected by law. So far, 119 species of birds have been recorded in Devinska Kobyla, 84 of which nest here. And what’s more, under ideal weather conditions, you may see Vienna and even Alps from here. This locality is also famous thanks to many fossil remnants found here. So far, 350 different species of fossils have been found here (echinoderms, seals, monkeys, rhinos, shark teeth and many more).
According to year’s season, we may focus at:
Duration: 3 – 3,5 hrs.
Place: Devínska Kobyla, Sandberg (with option to visit Devin castle with its’ surrounding)
Price: 5 € / 1 student (minimum price 110 €)
Trip preview: trip along the marked trekking path, listening to calls of various bird species, observing unique plants, practical tips and tricks, observing nature using mono and binoculars
Difficulty: moderate, slightly rugged terrain, an ascent of small hill needed (approx. 700m walk)
Meeting place: according to further agreement
Recommended time: whole year
Suitable for: everyone (kindergarten, elementary and high school pupils, as well as university students); we do not recommend to combine various age groups
Price includes: lecturer service, mono and binoculars, bird books, local transportation for lecturer (in Bratislava)
Price does NOT include: transportation of students, food
If required, we may provide transportation according to further agreement. Please, see the pricelist.
In case of bad weather, the outdoor course will be postponed until next suitable date according to further agreement.
If interested in one of our courses, or in case of any other questions, contact us at, or call: +421 903 751 330
If you are interested in lecturing in the classroom or in nature, check out our offer here.
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