trip to observe fallow deers near the city of Skalica
Fallow Deer (Dama dama)
Fallow Deer rut
characteristics: Vincinity of Skalica offers many attractive treats, not only cultural remains and long lasting wine making tradition, but many people are attracted thanks to the natural beauties of this region. On the boundaries between Záhorská nížina lowland and Biele Karpaty (White Carpathian Mountains) nature creates ideal conditions for the populations of fallow deer. Fallow deer numbers are very abundant here and thus quite easy to observe and even photograph.
Besides fallow deers, forests around Skalica offer shelter to roe deers, wild hogs and deers. Among predators that lurk in the shadows, most common are fox, badger, stoats and martens.
protected areas visited: Protected Landscape Area White Carpathians
target species: mammals: fallow deer (Dama dama), mouflon (Ovis musimon), European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), red deer (Cervus elaphus), European hare (Lepus europaeus), wild boar (Sus scrofa) and maybe others
birds: red-breasted flycatcher (Ficedula parva), collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis), different species of woodpeckers (Dendrocopos sp.), grey-headed woodpecker and European green woodpecker (Picus canus, Picus viridis), black woodpecker (Dryocopus martius), wryneck (Jynx torquilla), spotted flycatcher (Muscicapa striata), European honey buzzard (Pernis apivorus), barred warbler (Sylvia nisoria), grossbeak (Coccothrastues coccothraustes), mistle thrush (Turdus viscivorus), many species of tits (Parus sp.), nuthatch (Sitta europaea)
Trip length: 1/2 day or 1 day
Difficulty: medium (10-12 km, elevation approx. 150 m)
Important notices and conditions of game observing: We do not recommend children under 12 years of age to participate on this program. We also do not recommend participants to be accompanied by dogs. Terrain is of average difficulty with length of approx. 10 -12 km. After the initial briefing, it is absolutely necessary to be as quiet as possible, walk light-footed and very carefully. We recommend wearing camouflaged or less visible, non-rustling attire, ideally of brown or green colour. Red, yellow or any highly visible colour clothing is not recommended at all. Please, bear in mind, that early morning forest tends to be wet, so having sturdy walking boots suitable for forest walks is highly recommended. Departure from Bratislava is set to early morning because of higher fallow deer observation probability. In case of bad weather, it’s necessary to bring water repellent, non-rustling clothes.
Required equipment: warm clothes, food and water for the whole duration of trip, own binocular of camera is also an option
Fallow deers (1/2-day trip):
Meeting at 5:30 am, transfer to locality, entering the forest at about 7:00 am, slow walk (10 km) on wood paths of various degree of quality with short stops and walks deeper into the forest for fallow deer observing. Arrival to minivan at approx. 12:00 pm, return to Bratislava at approx. 2:00PM. Ideal time for fallow deer observing is early morning or late afternoon.
Fallow Deer rut (1-day trip):
We will meet in early morning hours and transfer to the locality. Slow walk towards the fallow deer rut places. Fallow deer rut watching and photographing (morning hours). Short transfer to Skalica city centre, short individual lunch break and city tour (st. George’s Rotunda, Cultural house of D. Jurkovic, Jesuit church and monastery, Parish church of sr. Archangel Michael, Calvary, city walls and many more). Return at about 2:00 pm. Arrival to Bratislava at about 3:00 pm.
Tour operator has all rights to make any small changes of program responding to actual animal occurrence or actual terrain conditions.
Prices for guiding in English for 1 person:
Fallow Deers
1/2-day trip
Recommended term: May – June
120,- € / 1 participant
65,- € / 2 participants
50,- € / 3 – 4 participants
45,- € / 5 – 8 participants
Price includes: transport, full guiding service, binoculars, spotting scope
Price does NOT include: food, individual travel insurance
Fallow Deer rut
1-day trip
Recommended term: October
130,- € / 1 participant
70,- € / 2 participants
55,- € / 3 – 4 participants
50,- € / 5 – 8 participants
Price includes: transport, full guiding service, binoculars, spotting scope
Price does NOT include: food, individual travel insurance
If you are interested in this trip, please don’t hesitate to contact us, either by email to or give us a call at +421 903 751 330. We can then discuss the date that suits your needs the best.
Fallow deer rut
Date: October 12, 2019
Price: 35,- €
Price includes: transport, full time guiding service, binoculars and spotting scope rental
Price does NOT include: meals, individual travel insurance
Number of participants: 3 – 8
Application form: Fallow deer rut (doc), Fallow deer rut (pdf)
The deadline for registration and payment is extended till September 23, 2019. Please send the application forms to, you can contact us also at +421 903 751 330.
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