Monday, February 18, 2019
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Saturday February 23, 2019
This walk will be in Slovak language.
Meeting place and time: 6:30 pm, we will meet in the parking lot near the Partizánska lúka, next to bus stop Červený most (map); from here we will go by foot or take a short drive by bus (the ticket for public transport is provided by each participant individually). On the way back we will go by bus, the more able ones can go on foot.
Place and time of meetings can be adjusted according to the current situation.
Duration: approx. 1,5 h (6:30 pm – 8:10 pm)
Terrain: 1 – easy terrain with asphalt surface, on a plain or with a small elevation, also suitable for children or wheelchairs, the route is approx. 1,5 km long
Probability of successful observation: 90%
Number of participants: 10 – 40
Price: 3,50 € / person
Price for children under 12 years: 1,50 €; every additional child: 0,50 €
Children under 3 years: admission free
Payment is possible only on the spot in cash.
Price includes: full guiding service, binoculars and bird identification guide rental
Price does NOT include: transportation, ticket for public transport
If you are interested in this walk, please send an e-mail to with your name and surname, address, phone contact, how many people will take a part (and in which age cathegory: under 12 / adult) and which term and place you are interested in. We will send you a response. Registration is mandatory.